Monday, January 9, 2012

Fabric Patterns

This is the pattern that I came up with from
 my watercolor in my journal . I used natural
 linen , indigo blue , green linen & walnut dyed linen .

I dyed this fabric with walnut hulls .

close up of the tied fabric .

This is a moon that needs a face . the moon 
is dyed with coreopsis . the background
is a piece of indigo fabric .
I am starting to get a flow going for my 
Magic cloth . It really is a slow process .
more to come ...


  1. Kathy this has come together beautifully in that colour palette.
    Mmmm cant wait to see more of your Magic Cloth.

    Jacky xox

  2. kathy....your work is really maturing. i like how you are selecting and combining the color combinations. i'm excited for you. congrats big time.

  3. o so wonderful. like that shade the walnut hulls gave you.

  4. thank you everyone for your comments . i really appreciate all of them.

  5. It is a slow process for me too Kathy, which is why it's so good to be doing this class with Jude and the magic expectations, no pressure, but a whole load of support and encouragement. I love your work....and that MOON....oh that moon :~)))) Looking forward to seeing where this takes you ~
