Friday, December 28, 2012

Photo of the Day

Devon made this for peter for christmas .
I love this and love them both .
we had a great christmas with them .
very different for me this year .
this is the first time i have not been
in my hometown . I thought it would 
be hard but it was wonderful . 
it proves to me change is good. 
I am looking forward 2013 and getting
back on track . I have 4 days off to work
on that very thing . 
i hope everyone is having some time off 
with family . or maybe i should say ,
your chosen family .


  1. What a beautiful gift from the heart.....

    Glad you had such a lovely Christmas away from home. Sometimes change is hard, but sometimes rewarding!

    Best wishes for a Peaceful and Happy New Year. Enjoy your days off work.

    Jacky xox
