Monday, February 8, 2010


I spent 4 days doing the Tucson gem shows. 
I went for my annual gem and pearl hunt.
My wallet is empty but I am now the proud
owner of more gems & pearls. Those of
you that have never gone to Tucson during
this time , would not believe the shows and 
the amount of stuff to be bought . I always 
tell my friends , it reminds me of scrooge Mcduck
when he jumps off his diving board into a pool
of $$$$ . Except it is gems and pearls.
Spent sat afternoon walking around some of the
local neighborhoods and found some cool houses

I love the paint colors .

                                          Lots of inspiration  going on in this
                                          town . Now lets just hope it sticks
                                          with me.


  1. Very inspiring indeed. I might have to go there myself this year. So beautiful.

  2. Thanks for the cookies! They and you are the best!

  3. tucson is a great place to visit jasmine.

    lois you are so welcome !

  4. love all the colors kathy!!!! it was sure great seeing you again!
    miss you!!!

    thanks for the earrings and the cookies! <3

  5. Thank you andrea . i am glad you liked the earrings and cookies. what will we do next year ?

  6. Bellisimo, I love the soulful color combos. Great eye, you captured well.
